Jacob Virgin Merit Scholar Semifinalist

Jacob Virgin is on the short list for academic greatness.

The Union City High School senior has put himself in the category of distinguished students across the nation, named today as a National Merit Scholar semifinalist.

Virgin is believed to be the first UCHS student to achieve that elite status in more than 20 years. Four Tornado graduates earned “commended” status since 1997, that designation essentially an honorable mention standing in the superlative category.

More than 1.6 million students across the country took the PSAT/NWSQT (Preliminary, Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholar Qualifying Test). Virgin’s score was in the top 1 percent of that group.

The roughly 16,000 semifinalists will find out in February if they are finalists for the honor and significant scholarship money. Merit Scholar designees are selected on the basis of their skills, accomplishments and potential for success in rigorous college studies.

“It’s really a great honor. I’m happy,” the humble Virgin said. “I think it’s finally starting to sink in.. ...Read More here