Joint Economic Development Corporation Board

The JEDC is governed by a 12-Member Board with 6 appointments each from the Chamber and OCIDC Board of Directors. The council is responsible for staff and operational oversight with regular reports to the Chamber and OCIDC Board of Directors.

The Obion County Joint Economic Development Council (JEDC), with assistance from local businesses and leaders, has produced goals and objectives that are reflective of the desires of the community at large:

  • Generate new growth in areas such as Commercial, Housing, Industrial, and Tourism Development.
  • Become the economic center of Northwest Tennessee.
  • Lead this 385,000 person region in such sectors as retail sales, housing development, healthcare, and airport usage.
  • Outperform peer markets in job growth, per capita income, population growth, and quality of life.
  • Enhance the County's fundamental competitiveness by focusing resources on "regional development activities".
  • Strengthen our physical and human infrastructure; create more opportunities for youth; enhance our quality of life; and, grow our population and visitation numbers.

A combination of the Obion County Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) and the Obion County Industrial Development Corporation (OCIDC)

Archived Obion County Annual Reports:


Obion County JEDC Board of Directors:

Chairman: Art Sparks - ATA
Vice-Chairman / OCIDC President: Jimmy White - Reynolds Brothers Oil Company
Secretary / Treasurer: Michelle Bing - The Bank3
OC Budget Chair: Sam Sinclair - Excel Boats
City Mayor: Terry Hailey - City of Union City
County Mayor: Steve Carr - County of Obion County
Union City: Randy Barnes - City of Union City
Chamber President: Clint Joiner - Jiffy Steamer
Chamber Past President: George Leake - Obion County School System
Chamber President-Elect: Chris Rodgers - ATA
OCIDC: Ron Cooper - Southern Machinery Repair
OCIDC: Jim Rippy Jr. - City of Union City

Bedford Dunavant - Union City Insurance
Johnny McTurner