Be sure to nominate someone/apply to be recognized as a young professional in Obion County under the age of 31.
Brooke Simmons recently graduated from the Delta Leadership Institute on January 12th. The DLI Executive Academy trains leaders from diverse backgrounds, sectors, and industries to improve the economic competitiveness and social viability of the Mississippi River Delta and Alabama Black Belt.
In January there were so many exciting things going on! We went to Chicago, IL, had the Central FFA team present at a Chamber meeting, and enjoyed a presentation by Mark Herbison.
Senator Marsha Blackburn (pictured in middle), visited Obion County to tour the damage from December tornadoes. She then attended a roundtable discussion hosted at White Squirrel Winery in Kenton.
The Adult Leadership Obion County class enjoyed Medical Day on January 5th.
Low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) are available to businesses and residents in Tennessee following the announcement of a Presidential disaster declaration due to the severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes on Dec. 10-11, 2021.
"SBA's mission-driven team stands ready to help Tennessee small businesses and residents impacted by this disaster in every way possible under President Biden's disaster declaration for certain affected areas," said SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman.
West Jordan, Utah – December 3, 2021. – Excel Boats, the nation's premier aluminum boat manufacturer, announced Sam Sinclair Jr. joined the company as the General Manager of both the Arkansas and Tennessee manufacturing facilities.
In his role, Sinclair will focus on increasing efficiencies and continuing the growth of the
Arkansas and Tennessee product lines. He will provide strategic direction for the boat division while providing budget oversight and identify areas to implement continuous improvement initiatives.
The Robert E. and Jenny D. Kirkland Discovery Award recognizes individuals for their contributions to inspiring children and adults to see beyond.
Union City, Tenn.—Discovery Park of America has announced the honorees for The Robert E. and Jenny D. Kirkland Discovery Awards Gala that will be held Saturday, March 5, 2022, at the museum and heritage park. The award recognizes individuals whose work, like that of Discovery Park, brings enlightenment, inspiration, and education to those whose lives they’ve touched.
According to the Tennessee Department of Transportation, the section of I-69 that runs alongside Discovery Park of America from a little northwest of the former Wingfoot Golf Course to Reelfoot Avenue was the first of three projects that encompass the I-69 loop around Union City.
In the early 1900s, the Nailling building in Union City, Tenn. was one of the most modern office buildings in the region. While the outside was brick and stone, the interior featured imported tile, beamed ceilings, and elaborate fresco flooring.
BIRMINGHAM, AL (November 12, 2021) –The Obion County Joint Economic Development Corporation has chosen Retail Strategies, the leading national community development firm, to develop and execute a retail recruitment strategy for Obion County with a focus on Union City. Union City previously partnered with Retail Strategies as participants in Retail Academy through a TNECD grant in 2019 and 2020.
The Adult Leadership Obion County 2021-2022 class recently participated in Public Service Day on November 3rd. The class visited Union City Energy Authority, Obion County Mayors Office, and the Union City Municipal Building.
On November 18th, the Run the Rails committee hosted a business after-hours event at Main Street Union City. During the event, the committee was able to present the Masquerade Theatre with a $10,000 check!
This month, we celebrated 8 years of Hops and Barley. Hops and Barley is a local favorite, and we are so thankful that they call Obion County home! We also celebrated 1 year of Flowers with Sass.
Brooke Simmons was recently inducted into the Union City Kiwanis Club on November 11th. Kiwanis is a global community of clubs, members, and partners dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time.
Obion County Mayor Benny McGuire recognized County Court Clerk Crystal Crain, along with Clerk and Master Paula Rice at the latest County Commission meeting.
BIRMINGHAM, AL (November 12, 2021) –The Obion County Joint Economic Development Corporation has chosen Retail Strategies, the leading national community development firm, to develop and execute a retail recruitment strategy for Obion County with a focus on Union City.
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